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  • 5 ways to burn fat

    Burn fat

    For many people looking to improve their exercise regime their main focus in the early days is to burn fat and replace this with muscle. In theory this is quite easy but th…

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    The Fat Burn Zone – fact or fiction?

    Using your metabolism to help weight loss

    Those who undertake exercise regimes will no doubt have heard of the Fat Burn Zone which has been discussed in great detail over the years. Some experts swear blind that …

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    Nutrients & Sports Injuries

    How To Prevent Knee Injuries When Working Out

    As we push ourselves to lift more and take on more complex workouts, sports injuries become a very real risk — even with the best technique. Nobody likes time off trainin…

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    Why do I need to exercise?

    The most common injuries for those lifting weights

    We all know we have to exercise, we all know exercise is good for us but why to we need to exercise? What does exercise do for our body, mind and soul? Yes, these subjects may …

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    Using adrenaline to improve your fitness regime

    Six weightlifting myths

    While we are all probably aware of adrenaline, how much do you really know about this special hormone? Epinephrine, to give adrenaline its official name, is a hormone w…

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    Exercise, mental strength and focus

    Exercise, mental strength and focus

    The idea of exercising to keep fit, lose weight and build up your muscle tone is something that many people aspire towards. It is not necessarily the exercise itself whi…

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    Steps to avoid weight gain in the winter

    Using your metabolism to help weight loss

    As the days get colder and the evenings darker, it is going to become increasingly tempting to start comfort eating while curling up on the sofa to help stave off those wi…

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    Common Risk Factors for Knee Pain When Weightlifting

    How To Prevent Knee Injuries When Working Out

    Weightlifting is a great way to get your body into shape, though you will push it to the limits in order to do so. When you lift weights, you put intense pressure on certain …

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    Should We Buy Organic Protein?

    Muscle memory, brain power and long-term fitness

    Protein is the key to building muscles successfully. It is useful if you are into bodybuilding, athletics, weightlifting, or any other activity that involves strenu…

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    Corrective exercise advice for weightlifters to help overcome injury

    As a weightlifter, you expose yourself to the risk of becoming injured, no matter how experienced you are at weightlifting and regardless of your level of fitness. If y…

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