Abdominal hold

The beauty of the abdominal hold exercise is the fact that it can be done anywhere where you have a chair or a stairway with at least four steps. If we look at the exercise in…
Read moreThe beauty of the abdominal hold exercise is the fact that it can be done anywhere where you have a chair or a stairway with at least four steps. If we look at the exercise in…
Read moreThe Abs roll-out exercise is another great way to strengthen your abdominal muscles. For this exercise you will need a barbell with round weights on either side or a spe…
Read moreThe hand walk-out exercise is a surprisingly intense and useful exercise when looking to tone up your abdominal muscles. The starting position may is effectively ben…
Read moreThe mountain climber exercise is a great way to tone up those ab muscles, with a relatively short but intense burst. The starting position is similar to a straight arm pr…
Read moreIn many cases it is relatively small movements such as the hand slide crunch exercise which have the greatest impact on your upper and lower abdominal muscles. The star…
Read moreWhile the Zottman curl may have something of an exotic name it is a relatively straightforward bicep curl with a slight twist. Holding a dumbbell in each arm, stand with …
Read moreThe kneeling single hand curl is an extremely useful way of rebalancing your biceps if one side is stronger than the other. It is done in the kneeling position simply bec…
Read moreThe incline dumbbell curl again makes use of a bench which is set at a 45° angle. You will lay back on the bench press with your arms hanging down by your side, with a dumbbel…
Read moreThe decline dumbbell curl changes the angle of attack and therefore the way in which your bicep muscles are challenged. You will need to lie chest down on a bench set at a 4…
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