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  • Zottman curl


    While the Zottman curl may have something of an exotic name it is a relatively straightforward bicep curl with a slight twist. Holding a dumbbell in each arm, stand with …

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    Kneeling single hand curl


    The kneeling single hand curl is an extremely useful way of rebalancing your biceps if one side is stronger than the other. It is done in the kneeling position simply bec…

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    Incline dumbbell curl


    The incline dumbbell curl again makes use of a bench which is set at a 45° angle. You will lay back on the bench press with your arms hanging down by your side, with a dumbbel…

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    Decline dumbbell curl


    The decline dumbbell curl changes the angle of attack and therefore the way in which your bicep muscles are challenged. You will need to lie chest down on a bench set at a 4…

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    Static dumbbell curl


    The static dumbbell curl is a very interesting exercise which is something a little different but will certainly have an impact on those bicep muscles. If you take a dum…

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    Hammer curl


    As always seems to be the case with the best exercises, the hammer curl is a very easy but extremely effective way to workout your biceps and brachioradialis muscles. Si…

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    Offset grip dumbbell curl


    The offset grip dumbbell curl is a very useful variation on the standard dumbbell curl which shifts the weight as you exercise your biceps. Grab a set of dumbbells holdi…

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    Standing dumbbell curl


    This is a relatively straightforward exercise but extremely good for your biceps. Take a set of dumbbells in each arm and hang your arms by your side at full length. Star…

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    Standing resistance band hammer curl


    This is a very useful exercise to help build up your biceps and you can do it literally anywhere. You will need a resistance band which you place on the floor underneath yo…

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    Hip circle exercises against sturdy object


    There are a number of ways in which you can vary the standard hip circle exercise and one is to use a sturdy object (a wall, etc) and take a slightly different stance than no…

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