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  • Selection: Nutrition

    How To Set Yourself Up For a Success In The Gym

    Nutrient and diet

    Getting in shape and acquiring the body of your dreams is no easy feat in the modern world, where most of us work 9 to 5, five days a week and are trying to raise a family along …

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    Band hand extensor exercises

    Finger Extensors

    In a similar fashion to the finger resistance bands, there are other exercises which will stretch and build your Finger Extensors. One way is to wrap a sufficiently siz…

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    Top 8 natural energy boosters needed for a good workout

    Keep a training log

    Have you ever heard the proverb “eat to live, not live to eat”? The saying is absolutely true and it is not only about overeating! Food is one of the main sources of energy n…

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    Ultimate Guide to Paleo Diet

    Ultimate Guide to Paleo Diet


    The Paleo diet is an effort for people to start eating healthy food. If we compare the food habits of today and of the way back in the days when hunting was the only wa…

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    10 Things You Should Learn from a Bodybuilder

    10 Things You Should Learn from a Bodybuilder

    Here are the secrets to six-pack abs, a wide back, wide chest and well-rounded shoulders. Let’s examine top ten bodybuilding lessons you should implement to achieve y…

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    All ectomorphs are hard-gainers, they are gaining weight and muscle mass very slow and that makes them to quit trying to gain muscle mass. For muscle mass gain you have t…

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    10 Foods that are High in Protein

    Why we must consume a lot of protein every day and why is that macronutrient such famous among all Athletes? Why are all Bodybuilders obsessed with high Protein food int…

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    Cutting Workout: What to Eat To Get The Perfect Shape?

    Six weightlifting myths

    Do you have a bulk body but still have small amounts of fats stored in your belly? Then you do not have to worry because there is a specific workout designed for you! Cuttin…

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    Should I Bother With Protein Shakes?

    These days, it seems that almost anyone that’s looking to build muscle goes out and buys a nice big tub of protein shake. The thing is, a lot of people don’t r…

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