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    Planning Your Workout: How To Create A Planning Journal

    You need to plan ahead in life. That is why we plan for our retirement, our life goals and in our daily lives. We plan our workloads, our eating habits and our social lives. …

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    Stress And Exercise: What You Need To Know

    Stress is a part of the human condition. We constantly feel stress as it is a natural response to pressure. We might have pressures in our home life, relationships, work …

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    Goal Setting: How To Make Sure Your Goals Are Achievable

    Using your metabolism to help weight loss

    Do you want to set a goal but you’re unsure which shape that goal setting should encompass? This article will explore what pro athletes and veteran amateur athle…

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    Carbs, Fats And Protein: What You Really Need To Know

    Carbohydrates, fats and proteins are macronutrients. Macronutrients are nutrients which supply energy to the body and are required for growth, metabolism and biom…

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    Five A Day: The Truth Behind The Slogan

    We have been educated by the Government, health professionals and exercise professionals for many years now of the benefits of eating five-a-day. However, many peop…

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    Off-road Running: Five Amazing Ways To Improve Your Fitness

    Off-Road running or Trail Running is very different to running on a road or a treadmill. It is all about variance, terrain and elevation. Off-road running can help by de…

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    Repetition: Your Biggest Workout Enemy

    Human beings are predominantly psychological creatures of habit. We learn through routine. Just think back to how you learned the alphabet, the multiplication tabl…

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    To Gym Or Not To Gym?…That Is The Question

    Do you have to go to the gym to become a bodybuilder? Is there a greater drive or mental focus if one works out at home, in the great outdoors or in a gym? This article will loo…

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    The Importance Of Your State-Of-Mind When Losing Weight/Building Muscle

    Your state-of-mind is probably the single most important factor in any weight-loss, body-building or dieting regime. You can eat healthy, run or workout but if your m…

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    The Gym Ball: Six Effective Ways to Lose Weight

    The eponymous gym ball or Swiss ball as our European brethren call them is an often-ridiculed piece of gym equipment that has become incredibly undervalued in today’s …

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