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  • Selection: abductors

    Abductors are situated in the thigh area and their predominant role is to assist when moving a body part away from the midline. When exercising Abductor muscles this will involve resistance exercises such as parting of the legs to build up the Abductor muscles.

    Lateral band walk exercise


    The vast majority of useful exercises involve some kind of resistance and the lateral band walk exercise is perfect when looking to strengthen the top of your thighs as …

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    Lying Crossover exercise


    While the lying crossover exercise, which may require the help of a partner, looks a little brutal, in reality it is very simple to do and very effective especially for m…

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    IT Band and Glute stretch exercise


    The IT Band and Glute stretch exercise is a very useful exercise when looking to strengthen the top of your thighs, glutes and your abductor muscle in particular. Simpl…

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    Monster walk exercise


    The monster walk exercise may look a little different but it will give your legs and in particular your abductor muscles a real workout. You can buy a special band to plac…

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    Fire hydrant exercise


    While we appreciate some of these exercises have very bizarre and strange names, stay with us and you will feel the benefits. The fire hydrant exercise is very simple, s…

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    Windmill exercise


    One of the simplest and most effective ways to exercise your abductor muscles is with what is known as a Windmill exercise. All you need to do is lay on your back with your a…

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    Iliotibial Tract-SMR


    Iliotibial Tract-SMR exercises are very helpful way to build up strength in your abductor muscles and while it looks very easy, which it is, you will be surprised at the …

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    Thigh abductor machine exercise


    Thigh abductor muscle machines are commonplace in the modern day gym and are an extremely useful way to exercise your abductor muscles. The key to focusing on the abduc…

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    Side laying clam exercise


    While some people go for complicated workout routines, something as simple as a side laying clam exercise can really help to strengthen your abductor muscles. The sta…

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    Standing hip circles


    Standing hips circle exercises are perfect for stretching out the abductor muscles and core muscles. In theory they are very simple but to get the most out of a standing …

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