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    How To Look Thinner

    Fitness Diet Slim

    There are plenty of reasons to lose weight. Primarily, you should lose weight to become healthy. But today, society’s standards of beauty put pressure on being thin. M…

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    How do regular gym goers retain their motivation?


    It is fair to say that millions of people around the world like the idea of improving their health and well-being, well in theory. Putting this initial motivation to goo…

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    Forget the Path of Least Resistance: Conditioning Your Body and Mind

    A healthy diet goes a long way

    If your only intention when working out is to become strong as an ox and build muscle so you can look like a superhero then you might be wondering if conditioning is really …

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    Exercise, mental strength and focus

    Exercise, mental strength and focus

    The idea of exercising to keep fit, lose weight and build up your muscle tone is something that many people aspire towards. It is not necessarily the exercise itself whi…

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    10 reasons to get fit

    We can all probably list 100 reasons not to do more exercise but many of us now realise keeping fit has a whole range of benefits. We will now list 10 reasons to get fit, many …

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    6 “Secret” Fast Fat Loss Tips



    I meet people all the time who are looking to lose weight, most of them tell me that they’ve tried all sorts of strategies, and nothing …

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    Going The Distance

    It’s a pleasure to spend time with you guys and explain how my approach to personal training is helping more people get active.

    I think it’s important for m…

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    Arnold Schwarzenegger’s biceps training routine


    This article is submitted through our Guest post feature, please encourage more guest posts by commenting , liking and sharing where possible…

    Anyone who is ev…

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    3 Reasons to Train Your Legs Hard

    This article is submitted through our Guest post feature, please encourage more guest posts by commenting , liking and sharing where possible…

    Most people, es…

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    Goal Setting: How To Make Sure Your Goals Are Achievable

    Using your metabolism to help weight loss

    Do you want to set a goal but you’re unsure which shape that goal setting should encompass? This article will explore what pro athletes and veteran amateur athle…

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