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  • 10 reasons to get fit

    We can all probably list 100 reasons not to do more exercise but many of us now realise keeping fit has a whole range of benefits. We will now list 10 reasons to get fit, many of which you’ll already be aware of but it does no harm to be reminded.


    Reduce cholesterol

    There are two types of cholesterol, bad cholesterol and good cholesterol, and thankfully exercise reduces so-called bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol. A win win!

    Better sleeping patterns

    While it is more difficult to control your mental state with regards to sleeping patterns, there is no doubt that regular exercise makes you feel physically tired which helps you fall asleep quicker and sleep longer.

    Do it for you

    We all know that exercise can boost your self-esteem and confidence and there are many examples in everyday life to show this. So, while we can list many different reasons you should get fit, perhaps the most important one is to do it for you?

    Reduce blood pressure

    There is a direct correlation between obesity and raised blood pressure. Tests show that regular exercise and improved fitness will reduce blood pressure and help prevent high blood pressure in the longer term.

    Less risk of injury

    Boost-your-SE-01If your body is strong and fit then you will be less susceptible to a whole range of injuries which can impact your everyday life. Building up muscle and strength across your body will have a material impact upon the number of injuries you encounter in the future.

    Improvement in metabolic rate

    It is widely accepted that fitness and exercise have a material impact upon your metabolic rate and the number of calories that you burn. The impact is not only when exercising but also at rest where you will also burn more calories than an unfit person.


    The fitter you are, the stronger your muscles and the more flexible, with less chance of encountering conditions such as stiffness of joints and arthritis. That is not to say you will not encounter such conditions in the future but your body will be more able to fight them off and cope.

    Reduced risk of heart disease

    Heart disease is a condition which can impact both fit and unfit people but the fitter you are, the more exercise you do, the less chance of heart disease in the future. Regular exercise helps to strengthen the heart which helps to maintain your body at peak fitness.

    Avoid anxiety and depression

    It is well-known that regular exercise produces an array of hormones which help to fight off anxiety and depression. This is a growing problem across the world as lives become more stressful, money issues often take over and for many people long working hours can bring on anxiety and depression.

    Don’t delay, do it today!

    These are just a selection of reasons why many people choose to increase their exercise and improve their overall fitness. Sometimes we underestimate the power of exercise not only from a physical point of view but also from a mental angle. At the end of the day, it is very easy to sit back and do nothing after a hard day at the office but relatively short periods of regular exercise will help to lift your mood, increase your fitness and improve your overall well-being.