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  • Selection: gluteus_medius

    The gluteus medius is located on the outer surface of the pelvis. It is responsible for the abduction and internal rotation of the thigh and plays a key role in stabilizing the pelvis during walking and running.

    Top 5 Exercises for Gluteus Medius & Minimus

    Gluteus Medius

    The gluteus medius and minimus muscles play an important role in hip stability and movement, as well as overall lower body function. To effectively target these muscl…

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    3 Best Gluteus Medius Exercises

    Gluteus Medius

    The gluteus medius is a muscle located on the side of the hip and plays an important role in hip stability and movement. Strengthening this muscle can improve athletic p…

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    Glute Medius – The Weakest Muscle in Your Lower Body!

    Gluteus Medius

    The glute medius is an important muscle in the lower body that is often overlooked in traditional lower body workouts. This muscle is responsible for hip abduction and …

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    5 Gluteus Medius Strengthening Exercises – TIGHTER Glutes

    Gluteus Medius

    The gluteus medius muscle is responsible for hip abduction and stabilizing the pelvis during movement. Strengthening this muscle can improve posture, reduce the ri…

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