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  • Selection: triceps

    The triceps brachii is a large muscle on the back of the upper arm. It is responsible for the extension of the elbow joint and is crucial for pushing movements and stabilizing the elbow.

    The PERFECT Triceps Workout (Sets and Reps Included)


    The triceps are a crucial muscle group in building a well-rounded and defined upper body. Here is the perfect triceps workout, including sets and reps:

    1) Close-grip b

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    8 Best Tricep Exercises for Bigger Arms


    The tricep muscles make up two-thirds of the arm, making them a critical muscle group for achieving bigger, more defined arms. Here are eight of the best exercises for b…

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    Tricep Workout at Home with Dumbbells


    Working out your triceps at home with dumbbells can be an effective way to build strength and definition in your arms.

    Here are a few exercises that you can do at home with …

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    The Best Science-Based Triceps Workout For Mass


    If you’re looking to build mass in your triceps, it’s important to have a science-based workout plan that targets the muscle effectively. One of the most …

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    Best lateral tricep head exercises

    In this article we are looking at the best lateral tricep head exercises, following on from previous articles about “3 Triceps Exercises for explosive growth&…

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