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    Skinny-Guy’ Tips To Build Quick Muscle

    If you are a hard-gainer, then it is acceptable of you to think, you cannot build muscle genetically. More often, you are seen not putting any effort into it or, on the contrary, working too hard and not letting your body to recover. However, we have busted this myth for all you skinny guys out there. The following read will help you add some major muscle to your frame. Eating well and organized You are never going to get there

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    Going The Distance

    It’s a pleasure to spend time with you guys and explain how my approach to personal training is helping more people get active. I think it’s important for me to say I am not on a mission to change the face of personal training! I train my clients both in person and via Skype, and I believe they both have their merits. I view internet based Skype workouts as an alternative, not necessarily a replacement, for modern day personal training.

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