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  • Selection: tibialis_anterior

    The tibialis anterior is located on the front of the lower leg. It is responsible for dorsiflexing and inverting the foot, and it plays a crucial role in stabilizing the ankle during walking and running.

    Tibialis Anterior Exercise for Runners

    Tibialis Anterior

    Tibialis anterior is a muscle located in the front of the lower leg that plays an important role in running. Strong tibialis anterior muscles can help runners to mainta…

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    Tibialis anterior + gastrocnemius + soleus full calf

    Tibialis Anterior

    The Tibialis anterior, Gastrocnemius, and Soleus muscles are three important muscles in the calf region. The Tibialis anterior muscle runs along the front of the shi…

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    Lower Leg-Gastox-Soleus-Tibialis Anterior

    Tibialis Anterior

    The tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius and soleus are important muscles in the lower leg. The gastrocnemius and soleus muscles are responsible for plantarflexion, w…

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    Tibialis Anterior Muscle Exercise

    Tibialis Anterior

    The tibialis anterior muscle is located in the front of the lower leg and is responsible for dorsiflexion (lifting the foot up towards the shin). Strengthening this mu…

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