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  • Supplements you should NOT take. Part1.

    We’ve been talking a lot about supplements, specifically, the ones you should take and the ones that are the best in their category (amino acids, protein) . But there are supplements that are plain useless and some are even dangerous. What about those? In this article you will discover supplements, which should be avoided and what are the reasons for that. Overview will be divided in 2 parts, so make sure you’ve seen both! Glutamine. Surprised? Don’t be. It’s one

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    Top 3 BCAA Powders

    As discussed in previous article (3 Most important supplements), BCAA’s are a great supplement for building muscle, preventing muscle breakdown and gaining that vital energy for your hard training. Milos Sarcev, IFBB bodybuilder and one of the most sought after bodybuilding trainers praises value of BCAA’s. He says that they are much better than any protein powders, because they are pure – there are no fats, no flavors, and no carbohydrates. All of which makes BCAA’s perfect not only for

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    3 Most Important Supplements for a bodybuilder

    There are tons and tons of bodybuilding supplements on the market, and the overwhelming variety just gives more confusion to beginners and intermediates. Many people just go from one “best supplement of the month” to another. Few know that, essentially, 80% (or even more, in some countries like USA, where health control is not so strict) of all the supplements are absolute rubbish. And we mean it – waste of time, money, and in the worst scenario – waste of

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    How to deal with overtraining effectively.

    Overtraining is the part of the bodybuilding and even if you do everything right you will have to deal with it sooner or later. It’s when you exhausted and crushed both physically and mentally. Most of the times when you are overtrained you don’t want to do anything, just lie on a couch or do nothing. To keep long story short – overtraining can seriously hurt your training, your job and even your relationships because you just feel terrible and

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    How To Get Wider Shoulders

    Shoulder injuries

    This article is submitted through our Guest post feature, please encourage more guest posts by commenting , liking and sharing where possible… Shoulder width always was a true indicator of strength and power. Big “cannonball” deltoids have to be earned with sweat and blood, and most bodybuilders know that. But for some reason shoulders are not very popular amongst beginners and intermediates. And that’s a problem, because well-developed shoulders, abs and calves are a basis for a great physique. To

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    3 most important things for getting ripped abs faster

    This article is submitted through our Guest post feature, please encourage more guest posts by commenting , liking and sharing where possible… Let’s be honest, almost every man out there (and some women too!) want to have ripped abs. A lot of us want it fast… But very few get real results. And that shouldn’t be surprising – getting little % of body fat is hard. And here is the reason why – our body needs fat to survive. That’s

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    Arnold Schwarzenegger’s biceps training routine


    This article is submitted through our Guest post feature, please encourage more guest posts by commenting , liking and sharing where possible… Anyone who is even remotely serious about his bodybuilding hobby (or career) knows who Arnold Schwarzenegger is. Basically, he is the icon of the bodybuilding; he is the one who got it mainstream and popular. Before Arnold, bodybuilding was a sport for “freaks”. It was completely underground, and few people know about it. With his titanic body, iron

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    3 Reasons to Train Your Legs Hard

    This article is submitted through our Guest post feature, please encourage more guest posts by commenting , liking and sharing where possible… Most people, especially beginners avoid leg training at all costs, or do very little and/or the easiest exercises. Here is the deal – if you don’t want to train your legs, you might as well forget about bodybuilding. It’s like running 100-meter sprint with your hands tied behind your back – still doable, but do you really need

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