Im about 126 pounds, 5,9 and need to get to 145-150 by September 1st, 2012. Is this reasonable? I went from 112 to almost 130 in 2 1/2 months so i hope o can do it and what supplements do i need. I got creatine monohydrate, whey protein, and fish oils. Should i start on a gainer shake like gnc mass xxx? anyone out there have any supplement recommendations for me? I work on everything 2 times a week. And please, i don't want answers saying like "eat more", "you're too young for supplements", answers like that. I already eat a ton.
What do i need to gain muscle mass? i gotta be 145-150 and without supplements, thats most likely notgonna happen
What do i need to gain muscle mass? i know you dont want to hear it but, eat more. and honestly you would be needing to put on two pounds a week, which is possible although most of it would be fat because 25 pounds of pure muscle? not gonna happen. you dont need any mass gainers, just eat, eat, then eat a little bit more. get a good diet and workout plan if you dont already have one. and keep hitting those weights. you really dont need any supplements, i personally dont use any at the moment.
What do i need to gain muscle mass? Lift big. Don't make excuses. Nobody here can make a magical post that'll make you 150. You already said you have supplements, eat a lot, and work every muscle group twice a week. Not sure sure what you were hoping to get out of this thread. But good luck.
What do i need to gain muscle mass? You can take any and every single supplement if you'd like, but if you don't fuel your body with the right nutrition expect no mass, no results.
What do i need to gain muscle mass? i personally think you should up it to 3 times a week. And your 15 stay off creatine. You can stunt your growth with creatine and roids. Eat alot of meats and breads and filling foods. if you eat and work out it is impossible for your body not to gain weight and get stronger eventually.