So after if,then what? That is my theory too,i have always felt we need to have wars,sad and evil as they are,for our own survival,it is bizzare! That or plagues!
So after if,then what? well mate do you think the diseases and things are also part of that plan, whatever we cure apparently comes back in another form twice as bad... maybe we should stop trying to find treatments and things to kjeep us alive forever, and just live a shorter fun filled happier , richer life, and thank our lucky stars that we get the amount of time we have... at the end of the day as i see it, there is possibly only about 40 % of people in the world actually out there day in day out living their lives to the fullest, and them folks are normally the (less fortunate) amongst us.. it seems the more we have the more we moan and whine about what we should have and the less we actually enjoy and live our lives .... its a sad story but most people that have had a scare or have some sort of disability or other ailment are the ones out there living there lives more than most !!!
So after if,then what? well thats a decent thread already ruined tut, an by the thread starter aswell !!!