Papa John's price increase blamed on Obamacare My thoughts are this: If obama is reelected we will be a third world country within 5 years.
Papa John's price increase blamed on Obamacare Obama to America = "It's not a tax" Obama to supreme court = "It's a tax" Apparently a tax makes it unconstitutional, so they simply redefined it in the documents. Anyway, what did everyone expect? All companies are going to increase their rates. Obamacare is costing business, ESPECIALLY small businesses, a lot of money. So we are paying for this many times our taxes and in everything we consume. The worst part is, if you took eery dollar from anyone, and any business, making over 250,000 a year, literally took everything they had, we still cannot pay for even a year's worth of what this admin is spending.
Papa John's price increase blamed on Obamacare It going to hurt either way. If your company provides it, then its a cadillac plan so up the price. The sad part about it is the same crap that we have now, its the same crap we have now just renamed and more taxes. Also in the health care bill Ch9 or something they put in the 2nd amendment is a right and something about the ammo.
Papa John's price increase blamed on Obamacare I agree. Even if somebody is only paying $20, at least they have some skin in the game. ( Yes, I stole that line from Herman Cain ).
Papa John's price increase blamed on Obamacare Yep, now thats fairness, If you want to share the wealth, then everyone gets taxed. that how you share I would go farther in how I feel but I work for the feds.
Papa John's price increase blamed on Obamacare You hit the nail right on the head. I work for an under 50 employee company and our CEO can put over 150k in his pocket by putting everyone on the "dole"....not to mention I know that 50 employee number will hold a ton of weight in hiring decisions.
Papa John's price increase blamed on Obamacare Actually, you got it backwards. Roberts called it a tax to avoid the argument the opposition was making.