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  • one of the major reasons so many people end up with no training results

    Discussion in 'Over Age 35' started by suighja, Feb 24, 2012.

    1. jailynn24hb

      jailynn24hb Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      one of the major reasons so many people end up with no training results

      Well, I wouldn't say it's never addressed, but I agree it seems lots of people on here think they can build muscle by eating "healthy" (alone) and then seem to wonder why they don't make progress toward building muscle/strength.
    2. masoven4u

      masoven4u Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      one of the major reasons so many people end up with no training results

      [off topic]

      Hey man! No been dieting for 2 weeks at a -300 to -400 deficit. No cardio yet .

      My latest "bulk" I think was very successful. I am very close to my old body comp (pre-bulk) in less then 2 weeks of dieting, but I am 6-7 lbs heavier scale wise and way stronger! I think it was mostly carb bloat that I was feeling.

      Probably next week, I might just right back to where I was calorie wise and keep trying to gain weight and get stronger.

      As for cardio, I really need to fit in at least 2 LISS 20 min sessions a week just for health....I just have to find the time.

      Saw the Timberwolf post. His conditioning is awesome.....some day I would like to try to lean out like that.....but I am still working on mass right now! 40 is just under a year away....and I will probably diet down for the turning of the big 4-0! Until then....I am eating and lifting BIG!
    3. vijugati8g

      vijugati8g Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      one of the major reasons so many people end up with no training results

      I have followed nearly every workout and training program that came out over the last 30 years. It has never been difficult for me to gain either size or strength with most of them. But I have never been cut the way many of you guys are, I have very little experience dieting. It has been my experience that working out doesn't take too long to master, and only requires your attention 6-10 hours a week. Dieting requires all your waking hours wherever you are . And a "healthy" diet takes some time to detail cause healthy bulking and healthy cutting aren't the same. I could show most people how to weight train but dont know where to start to get them lean.

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