Hey guys, finished my steroid cycle like 6months ago now, had liver tests done 2months after cycle and AST levels where 199, Sky high, its slowly began to taper to 107, in the past few months, im due for my blood test again they've made me wait a further more 6weeks so im hoping its returning to normal or close to normal... My question is, is it normal for the liver to take that long to heal after Abusively smashing it with oral steroids and alcohol binge drinking? or could it be something more? i'mn scared incase it could be HEP C or something, but my doctors dont seem concerned they still believe it was off the oral steroid abuse and the fact at one point i was practically ****ing brown urine... So is it more then likley just the steroids that ****ed my liver? and is it normal for 8months of ****ing my liver to take 6-7months to fully heal? cause i got told the liver usually heals faster then this.... i know my AST levels went from 199 to 127 in the first 4weeks after my first blood test, then 4weeks after it started to slowly taper and go from 127 to 107, so im hoping to look for my ast levels to be as low as 65-85? if not lower? I've had no bad side effects, that show illness, and felt healthy for the past 6months... however my hemoglobin levels where found to be quite high aswell... and im guesing thats off the 100mg of anadrol. i took aswell as the high dosages of testosterone and tren So could this just be from the abusive i've threw at my liver thats caused this? or could it be something more in the pattern its slowly healed at? cause to go from 199 to 127 in 4weeks then only drop from 127 to 107 in 4weeks its a little concerning why it healed so fast to begin with but taking so long to heal below 100.
Liver healing process Mines been to 357 iirr due to a course of antibiotics after a oral period of my course and 4-6 weeks later it was back to 38 iirr. I was a little concerned at the time but tge Doc said it's fine as long as I felt fine within myself. Any changes get to the Doc or A&E asap as a precaution if I felt unwell but I was fine. Doc said he has seen a lot higher readings. Yours doesn't seem that high if you've given it a hammering like you say you have, so relax until the retest and keep hydrated.
Liver healing process Yours went down faster then mine did though :S mines taking quite sometime to go to normal levels.
Liver healing process I binge drinked after the steroid cycle... not during... but it was a short while after.
Liver healing process Well it takes as long as it takes I'm afraid. Everyone is different and I'm no going to preach about bing drinking on gear etc as I'm sure you've learnt a valuable lesson. Some peoples values can be raised through supplements , high protein diets etc. Again, everyone is different . As long as your doing something about it is the main thing.
Liver healing process Yeah i supose your right, what ever it is, its showing progression, since i found out i've stopped drinking all together and stopped any orals even stuff such as painkillers. just gonna wait and see how it goes.