Kinda want to get off Starting Strength. What exercises should I include in lower and upper days. And is a upper/lower split beneficial?
Kinda want to get off Starting Strength. Push/pull or upper/lower is better than those 4 day splits, or 3 day splits for that matter. You should include compound exercises and accessory exercises at the end. Upper - Bench press, overhead press, chinups, rows Lower - Deadlift, squat, romanian deadlift, core
Kinda want to get off Starting Strength. It's very beneficial.
Kinda want to get off Starting Strength. i always preferred a push pull style opposed to an upper lower split.... if u wanted to go that route itd be something like squat bench shoulder press deadlift row pull ups u can always throw in additional exercises if u feel the need but dont just throw in a bunch of random things
Kinda want to get off Starting Strength. I just added some exercises into my upper/lower routine tell me how it is. Monday- Upper Bench Press Incline Press Shoulder Press Deadlift Curls Skull Crushers Push ups Tuesday- Lower Squats Calf Raises Wednesday- Rest Thursday- Upper Bench Press Incline Press Shoulder Press Deadlift Curls Skull Crushers Push ups Friday- Lower Squats Calf Raises