Anyone Here agree? Train As heavy as you can & go to failure. Break down the muscle as much as possible. For Example my back Day Barbell Rows 4xFailure. (Usually go up to 225) Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns 4xFailure. Weight Follows 120,140,150,160 Close Grip Pulldowns Underhand 3xFailure 100,120,140 Seated VGrip Rows 3x Failure 100,120,130 Wide Grip Pullups 3x Failure Deadlifts (only thing I don't train to failure. I train for strength here) 3x135,225,315 This is for people who want to grow, & don't care about throwing crazy weight around< Its all an ego its like saying My D!ck is bigger than you're d!ck. Your Views? No arguement just wanna hear from the community on there views of training!
It Makes No Sense NOT training to failure. You're views? I don't like training to failure because: -Form breakdown is more common along with cheating the weight up. -Going to failure is a sure pain in the ass. -I get strength gains just going shy of failure.
It Makes No Sense NOT training to failure. You're views? -Im pretty strick on form, Always man. I don't lift with an ego -I Agree on this bro, It sucks on back days, I can't feel my forearms &my back is ready to EXPLODE. -I don't really care for strength gains, As long as I can Bench 315, Squat 415+ & deadlift over my squat Im Golden.
It Makes No Sense NOT training to failure. You're views? I usually go to failure. I also do RP sets, so I probably shouldn't.
It Makes No Sense NOT training to failure. You're views? Depends on the exercise. For major compounds, i consider failure the point where your form breaks down. but for most isolation exercises, i go till i can't push or pull anymore.
It Makes No Sense NOT training to failure. You're views? I train to failure on everything. except Deadlift. The only compound lifts I Do are Bench,Squats,Rows,Presses< I consider failure where my form starts getting bad&can't push anymore.
It Makes No Sense NOT training to failure. You're views? I try to train following one quote from Greg Plitt. "I don't say goodbye, until the pain says hello... that's a good set" I agree to reap the rewards of a workout, you need to hit failure... if you're aiming to build lean tissue anyway.
It Makes No Sense NOT training to failure. You're views? Just Like Muhammid ali once said I don't start counting sit ups till they start hurting