So yeah. I want to learn how to fight. If I ever got into a brawl, I want to be confident that I will be the one coming out okay. I want to learn some sort of martial arts. I don't want to compete. The main 4 I here about a lot are Krav Maga, Jui Jitsu and Muay Thai and the most obvious, boxing. I know Muay Thai has a lot to with elbows and knees whereas boxing is strictly striking with your fists. Which one is the best for stand up street fighting? Thanks guys.
I want to learn how to fight learn how to avoid confrontations if you want to stay safe, dont learn how to fight. prevention is always better than treatment.
I want to learn how to fight I don't agree with that at all. I do agree that you should avoid fights but there will be times that you HAVE to defend yourself. It is always beneficial to know how to fight. I don't get why you would think otherwise.
I want to learn how to fight just go with a martial art that has sparring in it and stick with personally recommend something with striking. Ive been doing muay thai and mma for 3 years now and has been serving me fine
I want to learn how to fight why is this thread titled "I want to learn how to fight" instead of "how to avoid confrontations"? do yourself a favor, learn prevention first. Then if you still think you need to, learn a martial arts. I'd say wrestling + some sort of striking.
I want to learn how to fight Bro. What is there to learn about "prevention"? If you want to be able to protect yourself, you need to learn a martial art. None of this prevention bull crap your giving me.
I want to learn how to fight Prevention is walk away and not being aggressive. Almost every fight ive seen can be easily prevented had one of the parties kept their cool and walked away. If you want to be stafe from unprovoked attacks youll make the right decisions such as staying away from dodgy places. You could just carry a small knife, A guy with a knife > GSP.
I want to learn how to fight Ok im a big promoter of FISTS but the guy talking about prevention is right dude, Only because most of the time those guys who think theyre hard and put up that big ass front are carryin around that pocket knife for when someone does call themout, ive even had a gun pulled on my buddy in a TEEN club, nowadays you dont want confrontation it could mean your life. But if there is a FIST fight and you want the upper hand in a street fight than hit FIRST and hit HARD get your confidence up with that first punch and keep delivering dont stop!, 90% of street fights make it to the ground within the first minute, so i would suggest an mma OR wrestling and boxing if u really wanna **** someone up, do boxing year round and if your school has wrestling join the team oh and that pussi pushing **** everyone does before the fight, as soon as he pushes you with both your hands swipe his arms away from the inside and push them out than come quick with a right cross to his face he wont know what hit him
I want to learn how to fight Dude.. Like I have already said. I get that. Always try to avoid a fight. I am all for that. You don't need to learn how to do that. But what happens when the others person chooses not to avoid the fight? Thats when you are going to wish you knew how to fight. That is why I want to take a martial art. Do you get that?