I want to start taking HGH to get taller and stronger, but I'm not sure of the long term effects on a 17 year old. I don't want to take it if it will have negative permanent effects. Just some back ground on me I've been working out for 3.5 years 4-6 days a week, pretty much everyone I know who lifts as much as I do is stronger than me, I've taken creatine mono, protein, and Pre-workout(none of which did much good). So is it a bad idea, if so why? Are there any alternatives(e.g. testosterone, anavar, Superdrol, ect.) that might have less negative side effects.
Human Growth Hormone Unless your want a big gut and all brah. Apparently, not entirely sure, but I've heard that it won't do much if you're under 26 - 28. But don't take me for my word, do some research on it.
Human Growth Hormone First question do you have any idea how expensive HGH is... Also you aren't allowed to talk about illegal substances on here so not really going to answer your questions about alternatives.
Human Growth Hormone TRAIN HARDER TRAIN UNTIL YOU PUKE then if your strenght did not goes up think to alternative eat more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Human Growth Hormone -costs an assload of $$$ lmao sure those are alternatives but your training and diet probably just suck big hairy monkey balls
Human Growth Hormone Cant be too illegal when you can buy them online lol, my advice youll end up messing yourself up on that sht your at a peak where your bodys growing just eat heaps an lift weights
Human Growth Hormone Buying HGH online is like buying 'diamonds' online at $10 a carat from a 'legitimate' Middle Eastern company with a holding firm based in the British Virgin Islands.
Human Growth Hormone I know it's expensive, but I could probably get a doctor to proscribe it and get my insurance to cover most of it. @jbball I don't know if I'm training hard enough but I'm pretty sore after every workout and my diet is really quite good: mostly Chicken Steak and Fruit with some Carbs(breakfast only) and vegetables, I consume barely any sugar throughout the day.
Human Growth Hormone Why would your doctor prescribe you with HGH? Your diet doesn't sound really good, it sounds like you're eating jack all calories. I've always loved how people refer to 'fruit' and 'carbohydrates' in their own separate categories. The entire caloric value of fruit comes from sugar, which is very much a carbohydrate.