Horrible day So sorry about the loss of your cousin! Happy birthday though, and yes I hope it does get happier
Horrible day I draw exceptions on birthdays: This is the sole time its acceptable to be selfish. The family comes in and ask "what do you want to do today dad?" If that means staying home in complete solitude and silence, then that means the rest of the family packs up and goes out to the festival and gives you that day of alone time. Still, the family has to have already been aware of this. So if not this year, be sure to make it so from now on. Not everyone has faith. But for those that do, I just think of those that have passed a getting to the place before I do. Just as those that came into this world first and I joined them later. I know we will all see one another again.
Horrible day I draw exception to your exception I assumed going to the car show was something he wanted to do and when that fell thru due to weather then he has to be aware of the shiny little faces and the face of the woman he loves all looking at him and trying to figure out what to do next. Getting a phone call about the death of a loved one on your birthday is harsh..no doubt about it.