-Today- okay , i'm that little asian and most people are bigger than me cause of weight but when we lift , it's another story. Today , felt like doing something cause i dont normally workout at school . I go to the legit gym AFTER school for squats and deadlift etc but today we were doing back and i decided .. hey why not do deadlifts for fun.. deadlifted 135lb x 5 then 185x5 then 225x5 . My teacher told me he was surprised i could even 1 rep 225 and that it was heavy stuff... So yeah 225x5 @ 134lb . Am i doing it right? . note: all raw cause i dont bring any gym equipment to school. EDIT: another question , does size = strength? will it be possible by the time im 150lb to be able to deadlit 315x5?
Highschool Weighttraining class I feel guilty .. everyone tried doing 225 and their back + form was HORRIBLE. i kept telling them to look straight and push thru heels but iunno if they listened.. If everyone complains about sore back ( possible injury) Am i responsible?
Highschool Weighttraining class http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images...ogress101.png/ Picture on the left is me when i started . The 2 pictures on the right was a month ago? All i do is squat,deadlift .. barely bench or do upper body . I'm in love with squats ...
Highschool Weighttraining class You didn't tell them to do deadlifts, they just chose to do them after seeing you do them. Plus they were lifting too heavy, they should have been lighter to get form down first, aaaaaalso... They kept doing it wrong even after you tried to give them tips. I'd say not your fault.
Highschool Weighttraining class nothing to be proud of, benching is way funner, with presses and rowing with other various accesory exercises
Highschool Weighttraining class only a few repped out 1 rep and after they finisehd , they were saying how their BACK HURTS .. >.> iunno but that seems kinda off...