thinking of joining the gym to get toned ready for the summer is there any fast ways i can tone my stomach up . my age is 25 years and im from bournemouth
Heya new girl here You could do all my abs workouts for me? Welcome to UK-M, hope you enjoy the forums as much as I do
Heya new girl here yes there is, 1st stage is done, joining the gym...second stage is f.ucking hard work in said gym at least 3 times a week and being hungry a lot of the time . Welcome to hell!!!
Heya new girl here Nice to see you to see you nice. "Toning" or "contouring" happens as a result of mainly diet. Take a look in the fat loss sub forum and you'll soon have a better idea of what to do.
Heya new girl here Hi Zoe & welcome....Remember, abs are built in the kitchen. Good luck with your goals.
Heya new girl here Hello and welcome, you'll find lots of great advice here! Best thing to do first is head over to the diet section of the site..... Goodluck!
Heya new girl here Hello and welcome! No fast way unfortunately, as above clean diet, cardio and keep at it but you will get there.