Before anyone says anything, yes, I have read the FAQ I have a couple silly questions about creatine: 1) Would the creatine available at Wal-Mart suffice? (compared to other brands) (im 16 and not exactly rich , and there is no GNC where i live) 2) I have read that it causes water retention in muscles, so would this make you looked un-toned/fatter? 3) I guess you could say im "100%" natural. this would be my first time using any supplement and I think I look pretty decent already (never tried protein or creatine). How much gains can I expect, in how long? 4) Whats the best thing to take it with, or does it not matter? thanks for your help
Hey guys, I have a few questions about Creatine can't say how long it'll take for creatine to give you gains, since it in itself doesn't give you gains edit: ^^^ lmao
Hey guys, I have a few questions about Creatine The walmart brand already has a ****ton of carbs in it, so you don't need to take it with anything. People overestimate all natural supplements, at most creatine offers a 2-4% guard against fatigue resistance and increase in peak power.
Hey guys, I have a few questions about Creatine you don't need creatine if you're under 18. it will make no difference srs
Hey guys, I have a few questions about Creatine If you read the stickies, you would know the answer to all these questions...
Hey guys, I have a few questions about Creatine It's dirt cheap and it works better than any other natural supplement in existence. Wtf am I reading...