^^^ advice on lagging parts is much appreciated http://www.gophoto.it/view.php?i=htt...g#.UHUKqhVhef4
hey! back from my holiday, what do you guys think of my physique (3 months lifting) you look beautiful. full homo
hey! back from my holiday, what do you guys think of my physique (3 months lifting) Needs more everything.
hey! back from my holiday, what do you guys think of my physique (3 months lifting) 300cal surplus good enough for a lean bulk through summer my friend?
hey! back from my holiday, what do you guys think of my physique (3 months lifting) Hard to be specific on imbalances at this stage, but you have a good base for 3 months lifting. Sounds good.
hey! back from my holiday, what do you guys think of my physique (3 months lifting) Dem genetics must be ripe for just 3 months. Shoulders, traps and tris brah!
hey! back from my holiday, what do you guys think of my physique (3 months lifting) so i just keep doing what im doing and make sure my lifts are progressing?
hey! back from my holiday, what do you guys think of my physique (3 months lifting) my main concern is my calves, people ask me if i even train legs just because they are so small feelsbadman.jpg