I got weight lifting this semester, and they're lifting on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I'm on the Pull/Push routine and I lift Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, Friday, how do I merge my school lifting days with my gym lifting days?
Help if you want to stick to your current routine then yes. unless your just going to half ass the lifting at school. i did that and everybody wondered how i was bigger than them cause they just saw me screwing around in class
Help I haven't taken weightlifting at my school. Do the teachers force routines on their students? Or let them do whatever?
Help you're lucky bro. at my school, like op's, they force us to take certain gym classes. for weightlifting we had to do 5x8 bench, 5x8 squats(not even to parralell because that would "injure our knees"), and 5x8 cleans for a straight 5 days a week.....