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  • Help With Keto Diet!

    Discussion in 'Training' started by remstation, Mar 28, 2012.

    1. baletki

      baletki Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Help With Keto Diet!

      I have loads of energy and i have no carbs, havent for nearly two weeks, you just have to get past the first week and your energy will increase, the body doesnt need carbs for fuel, it uses the fat instead...read up on it as it is very interesting..
    2. remstation

      remstation Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Help With Keto Diet!

      brek - you have egg whites.... change this to whole eggs (you get the fat from yolk) trust me i struggled to change my views on taking in fat but you get used to it....
      Cut the banana out, have some cheese instead.
      also with your fish, have a salad with olive oil or brocolli/asapragus.
      again with your chicken have a form of fat e.g. cheese (this will fill you up)

      i know this diet is hard, especially if you are a really healthy person, i love my fruit but you just have to change your mindset... you can have things like homemade burgers with cheese as a change up from the chicken and fish..
      also adding in cream to tea has helped me..

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