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  • Do powerlifters need heavy dumbbells?

    Discussion in 'Training' started by Myjourney, Jan 31, 2024.

    1. Myjourney

      Myjourney Well-Known Member

      Aug 2017
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      A quick question that's been on my mind: Are heavy dumbbells a must-have for powerlifting success? We often see the spotlight on barbells and plates, but I'm curious about the role of dumbbells, especially the heavier ones, in powerlifting routines.

      Do you use heavy dumbbells in your training? What impact have they had on your performance? Keen to hear your experiences and insights!
    2. timmothysmith01

      timmothysmith01 Well-Known Member

      Nov 2022
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      Heavy dumbbells are not essential for powerlifting success but they can be beneficial for addressing imbalances, adding variety, and enhancing overall strength and stability. Barbell exercises remain the primary focus in powerlifting training.
    3. Garv Singhal

      Garv Singhal Member

      Nov 2023
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      The answer isn't straightforward, but heavy dumbbells can indeed be beneficial for enhancing strength and performance.

      YES, heavy dumbbells can help address muscular imbalances, improve stabilizer muscle strength, and prevent injuries. They also promote symmetry and balance, crucial for powerlifting success.

      In my experience, incorporating heavy dumbbell exercises like rows and lunges has strengthened weak points and enhanced stability during barbell lifts.

      So, while heavy dumbbells aren't a must-have, they can be a valuable addition to your training routine, helping you reach your powerlifting goals more effectively

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