Deadlift grip For me it's not "either/or" so choosing one item in your poll is meaningless. Yes I deadlift double overhand no straps. I also deadlift with straps. I used to deadlift mixed grip ( but not anymore ).
Deadlift grip Why deadlift with straps if you can pull it with double overhand no straps? Note that the question was for your HEAVIEST deadlifts. I fully expect that many use double overhand no straps while ramping up and then switch to mixed or straps beyond a certain point. I am hoping that some might mention where that point is for them (for me, its around 275ish). I am also curious to know why you don't mix grip anymore. I am basically wondering if I should switch to using straps to avoid potential injury with mixed grip. I would also be curious to know if anybody does anything to specifically train their grip.
Deadlift grip To stay versitle in my training. Also, some deadlift events don't allow straps, others do, in strongman it just depends on the meet. I've deadlifted 545 double overhand no straps and 625 with straps ( but those were different days, the difference wasn't only straps, many other things were different between the two ). It's an unnecessary bicep injury risk. And I just don't like feeling twisted, and different on each side. I think that's a good idea unless you're thinking about competing in powerlifting. Yes of course, I do lots of grip work.
Deadlift grip Not current tho lol. This was long ago when I was toying with powerlifting and had a portion of a powerlifting training cycle under my belt. I almost competed in a natty comp thinking id do poorly without a full cycle. Wrong. I would have set two American records-bench and deads. I've benched 200 lbs x 1 and didn't even struggle. Was squatting 250 then but I was at a disadvantage as I couldn't wrap knees for extra spring out of bucket. Had I done that my knees would have subluxed eek.
Deadlift grip Mixed grip. Heaviest in past year was 415 x 1. I warmup double overhand and can barely pull 275 once with that grip.