Computer questions. Hey hey now.... So there are 2 programs I would like you to install and run. #1) When you run this (right after you install it), it opens up with a couple of options on the left side. The broom icon --> run this first, analyz and then run it, click yes to delete the files. Then run the icon that is for the registry... Scan for issues and then select all of them, and then fix selected, yes to backup and save the file. #2) Once your done with the ccleaner stuff, install defraggler. Open the program (opens after install) and then select your C:\, analyze it, note the fragmentation % and post it here. Either way, I want you to then run the defrag... and yes, this could take hours. -- This is a start and good for general pc maintenance anyhow, and I am guessing this stuff isn't happening regularly, if at all Regarding RAM. RAM is always something that is good to have more of, however, we don't know how much you actually have, so who are we to judge what you need yet Questions for you... What specific model is the Presario and about how old is it? rough guess is fine..?? What type if internet connection do you have? dsl.. cable... and the speed if you know it... In the bottom right hand side of your task bar, near the clock, how many other icons are listed there and what are they for? -- Kaspersky is one.... -- click on them and you should get some info.. popup or something.. that would answer this question.. What Internet browser do you use ? (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome.... other..) Thanks... Oh yea, I have a busy busy day today, so my replies will be slow, or you may need to wait until tonight for one even...
Computer questions. Don't know about australia, but presario hasn't been sold in 5 years. I'm going to guess toys is older than that. If get a new pc if u can afford it. Buy a usb cradle for old hard drive and move files that way will be the easiest.
Computer questions. As trey71 said, running a defrag program may resolve any problems you are having. I would try to turn off the virus protection at every start up. (Bill Reilly provided the link with instructions). If that doesn't work, I would call Kaspersky and ask them for help. 1300 762 833 This computer stuff can be so annoying.
Computer questions. I just installed a SSD drive into my pc, I recently rebuilt it but wanted to address the last bottle neck in performance, the storage system. (see thread ) you can have a super fast processor, high bandwidth memory and a smokin GPU (graphics processing unit) but when its tide to a mechanical spindle you are limited in many of you tasks to that spindle speed. So I got me a OCZ vertex 4 256 gig SSD (solid state drive), using the new SATA 3 standard. it has .1 ms seek time, can read and write over 500 megabytes per second. Windows boots in 8 seconds from the time I press the button. my games load super fast. every piece of the office suite can launch under a second. I highly recommend an SSD drive if you can afford one.
Computer questions. me too either there or amazon. I got my ssd at a microcenter store while going through Cincinnati