Age: 18 Lifting experience: around 3 years, since junior year Powerlifter or bodybuilder?: both, but with an emphasis on low-rep, heavy training Weight: maintaining around 160; started out at 130, was at 175 at one point (winter of senior year) Bodyfat: 10% currently; slowly dropping Diet: Intermittent fasting (1-2 meals a day, eaten in an 8 hour block from afternoon to evening Best lifts: Bench: 235 x 1, 100 db's x 3; Deadlift: 410 x 1; Squat (atg): 245 x 3; Barbell Overhead Press: 155 x 3, 75 db's x 5; Hang clean: 205 x 1; Pullups: 23 BW, +55 lbs x 8; Dips: 30 BW, +90 lbs x 8 I used to hang around the teen forums quite a bit in high school. I'm a freshman in college now so I don't have as much time to misc/piss away time in the wasteland that is much of, but I thought I'd come back and share some things I've learned along the way. I'm not huge nor am I massively strong, I'm just your average bro who started off weak as fuk and wanted to get both bigger and stronger. I've come a long ass way and learned a lot, in particular I've learned not to trust everything you read- i know every trainer and his brother says this, but everybody is very different and you have to learn what works for you. That said, I'll offer up some quality advice to anyone who'll listen. As for my background, I started off for pure aesthetic purposes. Got a bit chunky and at one point I was 175 lbs, a bit too large for my frame IMO. Got back down to 160 where I am now, mainly working on increasing strength as opposed to just size. I incorporate a lot of bodyweight and Olympic lifts because I think they work to build a more athletic, functional looking physique as opposed to simply being big and blocky. I've been eating around maintenance for the last year and a half while training hard (5-7 days a week: 4-5 heavy workouts, the rest are light workouts with mainly bodyweight exercises). Been intermittent fasting for about a year, and I love it. Getting gradually leaner while not having to worry about eating during the day and pigging out at dinner. inb4 tl;dr...any questions, shoot!
Ask a teen who's been lifting for almost 3 years anything 3 years to get a 245x3 squat why would I listen to what you say?
Ask a teen who's been lifting for almost 3 years anything This. You look pretty good OP. For 3 years though... not so much.
Ask a teen who's been lifting for almost 3 years anything It is easy as phuck to get a 300+ lb squat in a few months.
Ask a teen who's been lifting for almost 3 years anything Don't be an ass. One of your 'unaccomplished goals' says squat 315. Don't judge others for where they are.
Ask a teen who's been lifting for almost 3 years anything I agree, I squat that at age 15 weighing 145
Ask a teen who's been lifting for almost 3 years anything hIs goal says 315x5 squat. He will be repping it, not a max out. And 300lbs isnt 315....
Ask a teen who's been lifting for almost 3 years anything I know, I was just saying, clearly he isn't a weightlifting god either. This guy put himself out there to try to help people, even if he isn't super qualified, there's no reason to try to make him feel bad about himself.