At work there are 3 urinals in the gents. It is the unwritten law on brotherhood that you use one on either end and then if they are both taken it's a cubical job. Well there is this dude at work who always goes to the middle even if the others are free... Is this weird or is it just me!?
Anyone else thing this is weird!? maybe hes scared of being trapped in the corner when you walk into the toilet.
Anyone else thing this is weird!? Deffo weird, never use the middle one in a run of 3, ever.
Anyone else thing this is weird!? I take the middle one, and stand there in a full on lat spread (not unlike in my avi) letting my pish spray where it may. If anyone else comes in, they immediately feel unease at having to take another pis$ position, given the proximity to my immediate left or right. Its an alpha thing. I like to own the place like a boss
Anyone else thing this is weird!? He wants p!ss on both his shoes? I walked into the bogs in a service station on the M4 and found a bloke in the middle urinal, he had his trousers and pants pulled right down to the floor and had tucked his shirt up n under. Fvcking tw*t, I had to hide in the sh!tter just for a wee.
Anyone else thing this is weird!? also, in public lavvies where it is one long urinal, I like to get right shoulder to shoulder, even when it is almost empty.
Anyone else thing this is weird!? ha ha! that scares the 5hit out of me when that happens! which, sadly, it does!
Anyone else thing this is weird!? A classic case of Willy Watchers Syndrome...a narcissistic/self-loathing propensity to indulge into the unhinging of the Male Restroom etiquettes and treading of boundaries!