Bro's, Broskies and fellas!! What a frightening thought huh! Crusing through life feeling the testosterone coursing through your veins, young and virile, seemingly invincible and impervious to the ills others around you seem to be suffering from. Then, unlike a woman's menopause, which hits fairly suddenly, your male armor begins to gradually show signs of weakening and cracking in subtle and ever worsening ways--andropause has arrived. The symptoms are: Decreased libido Sexual dysfunction Fatique Decreased Strength Decreased endurance general malaise insomnia body fat gain Alot of times you can be in the gym with a perfect diet hitting the weights with all your might can figure out why I'm not the man I use to be. Just because of some simple aging. Go get checked up men so you can be the man you use to be back in the day or even better. It will give the lil dudes someone in the gym to look up to because you know we or the last of the good one's standing. We say yes to slacks not skinny jeans.. lol
A midlife Male Crisis wish it were that simple...hard to find an md in my area that doesnt think gettin old is a beautiful thing. I ' m one of the many that are still " in the normal range "....yea, for someone thats 79. bumpin along on herbal boosters for a while before i change docs and let the supps efects subside before getting checked again. The options are limited when you live in a small town.
A midlife Male Crisis Yeah true! But sometimes you have to do it yourself. You have access to online you will be amazed of what you can find instead of waiting on a doc.
A midlife Male Crisis My Doc's a real A-hole ....Working on stringing together some natty and semi-natty cycles to get me through summer. Then will switch MD's in the fall to see if I have better luck. DC: you talking research chems or what?
A midlife Male Crisis Everybody's different. Test levels start to decline in your 20's. Looking back I probably started to notice mine decreasing (mildly) in my mid 40's. I think mine got to a critical level last summer (age 50). No weight gain just no motivation, went from being pretty laid back to constantly worrying, fatigue, sleep problems, etc. Even a supp as mild as DAA has me back to my old happy self, so definitely a test issue. Go to the male anti-aging forum to get a better idea of the age range.
A midlife Male Crisis It was a time when I had high blood pressure from dieting wrong just eating straight meat when i was 23. My test levels decline due to the fact of high blood pressure. My energy levels got weak. And what the doc was saying it decline like that so my heart want explode so my body had to let go of something to spare my heart. So you know less aggressive, low sex drive all the basics. But when I started understanding dieting the correct way it all went away sex drive and test jump up alot... JUst saying