Let me start by saying I started lifting when I was 17, now 19. But, I didn't know what I was doing and did the whole Bench and curl workout lol. Then I read up on some stuff and learned alot, got to about 185 lbs from 170, but then stopped, and lost all the weight. So December of last year I got my supplements, and decided to really take it serious. December-6'5, 175-180 May 14- 6'5 210 Lifts Then Now Bench- 205 - 275 DL- 225 - 405 Squat- 225 - 405
6 Month Progress, (175-210) Not only did you get bigger but you also transformed from a white man into a black man. What a difference a day makes!
6 Month Progress, (175-210) First pictures taken with cell phone, second taken with a camera in better lighting.
6 Month Progress, (175-210) Also winter-spring/summer..only half black and I work outdoors so I DO tan..lol
6 Month Progress, (175-210) Def dem squats on inverse MJ transformation But, in all seriousness, well done man!
6 Month Progress, (175-210) Excellent gains overall especially at your height...well balanced. Keep it up!