I'm 16 yr old.. I started lifting weights seriously about 1.5-2 months ago.. Earlier my arms were around 11 inches and now after almost 1 month of serious training they're 12.25 inches.. My goal is to reach 15-16 inches in the coming 6 months..is it possible?
3 inch biceps in 6 months? Ya definitely not possible I mean you could get fatceps, which means nothing. But ya its hard to gain 3 inches on your arms while being lean I myself went from 5'9 155lbs 15 percent bodyfat with 13 inch arms to 5'9 188lbs 10 percent bodyfat with 17 inch arms in 2 years. I was always tracking my calories and constantly making strength gains So in my opinion 3 inches in 6 months= impossible