Been lifting for about 10 months now, started at about 55kg (121 lbs), went up to about 73kg (160 lbs) and will try to hit 80kg untill I cut for summer'13 Anyways, although I made some kind of gains I think my chest still lacks a lot. my current chest routine: Incline Dumbbell Press (4x8) Bench Press (4x8) Incline Flys (4x10) Dumbbell Pull-overs (4x8) Cable Flys (4x12) What would you guys recommend me to do? before after
10 month progess, Chest lacking (pics) (help pls) To be honest id say your chest isnt actually lacking. Not from that photo anyway. You could try cutting down to two chest exercises; bench press (3x5) and incline DB press (3x8). Also, dat arm vein
10 month progess, Chest lacking (pics) (help pls) ok thanks for the advice i'll try it also that's pretty much the only vein i got lmao
10 month progess, Chest lacking (pics) (help pls) If that routine worked well for you over 10 months, stick with it.
10 month progess, Chest lacking (pics) (help pls) Yeah i added shrugs to my workout, didn't focus on traps so much :/
10 month progess, Chest lacking (pics) (help pls) think that's what I'm going to do since there's no need to mix up my routine as long as I'm making gains i guess
10 month progess, Chest lacking (pics) (help pls) yeah don't change it I would keep sets and reps similar and maybe just swap some exercises around if you're not progressing.
10 month progess, Chest lacking (pics) (help pls) It seems your upper chest is lacking alot. Maybe try going heavier on incline press
10 month progess, Chest lacking (pics) (help pls) started incline with 7,5kg/side and can do 20kg for 4x8 now. Could try and take 22,5 but i don't think i'm able to get those 8 reps on the last two sets... will try anyways tomorrow