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  • 15 simple tips for Bodybuilding Beginners.

    Discussion in 'Training' started by Tom White @gymtoto, Sep 28, 2016.

    1. Tom White @gymtoto

      Tom White @gymtoto Moderator

      Sep 2016
      Likes Received:
      * Stick to free weights
      * Do compound movements
      * Dont train everyday
      * Stick to your programme
      * Train each muscle group once a week
      * Slowly increase the weight you lift
      * Increase your protein intake
      * Eat 4 - 5 regular meals a day
      * Rest and recover
      * Cut your junkfood down
      * Have a food cheat day once a week
      * Drink plenty of water
      * Fully research supplements you take
      * Enjoy your training
      * Do not give up!
      Hope these tips help.
      Good luck.
    2. admin

      admin Administrator

      Dec 2012
      Likes Received:
      That is an excellent list of useful advice. How often would you recommend beginners should train and for how long?
    3. Newstarter

      Newstarter Well-Known Member

      Aug 2016
      Likes Received:
      Should I look to change my diet before I undertake a long-term training program?
    4. Tom White @gymtoto

      Tom White @gymtoto Moderator

      Sep 2016
      Likes Received:
      If its a bodybuilding plan looking to gain muscle i normaly recommend for beginners 3 to 4 weeks of training twice a week. So for example:
      Monday. Full body workout
      Thursday. Full body workout

      Doing a full body workout this way gets your body used to training without overtraining.
      Dont try to lift heavy weights it will take time. Id recommend on large muscles, legs back and chest about 3 exercises each of 12 reps 3 sets. Smaller muscles for example arms about 2 exercises of 12 reps 3 sets.
      The most important part of this type of programme is learning correct form. Do not try to lift weights you can not handle. It will only set you backwards and risk injury.

      After about 4 weeks you can then try training 3 days a week working on training each body part once a week increasing the sets and weight but decrease reps to 8.

      Its a good idea to add some cardio into your training also possibly on different days to lifting weights.
      Hope this helps.
      Good luck.
    5. Tom White @gymtoto

      Tom White @gymtoto Moderator

      Sep 2016
      Likes Received:
      First of all congratulations on deciding to take up long term training programme! You will be happy you did!
      Eating healthy is important more so if your taking up training. You havent mentioned what type of training your going to be doing but either way i would recommend the following.
      Cut fat down
      Eat 4 health meals a day
      Eat more fruit and veg
      Choose healthy snacks
      Increase your protein intake
      Eat complex carbs
      Cut sugar down
      Drink more water

      If you let me know what training you are going to be doing i can be more specific in your diet changes.
      Good luck
    6. Newstarter

      Newstarter Well-Known Member

      Aug 2016
      Likes Received:
      Thanks for your reply. I would like to take up light weights initially - along with traditional exercises such as tread mill, etc - and then build it up.
    7. Tom White @gymtoto

      Tom White @gymtoto Moderator

      Sep 2016
      Likes Received:
      Ok i would suggest what i said in last message about a full body workout twice a week and do the cardio a couple of times on non training days also. Its good you know you want to keep the weights light at first then build it up.
      Do this for 3 to 4 weeks and stay in touch with your progress.
      Any questions you have during you 4 weeks feel free to ask.
      Good luck.
    8. Newstarter

      Newstarter Well-Known Member

      Aug 2016
      Likes Received:
      Thanks for all of your help
    9. MarkB

      MarkB Administrator Staff Member

      Aug 2016
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      How long should each session last or is that different for each person?
    10. Tom White @gymtoto

      Tom White @gymtoto Moderator

      Sep 2016
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      This is a common question i get asked. Alot depends on what your goals are. If your training for a run or training to get toned the timings of each session will be different. Also depends how many days a week your training.
      There is no right answer here but i would say if your a beginner id aim for about 3 sessions of half an hour a week. But remember 2 people can do that exact same workouts but get completeley different results.
      If your an advanced trainer its all dependant on your actual training goals.
      Hope that gives a bit of an idea of your question.
      If anyone has specific goals and would like to ask any questions about how long to train in your session please do.
      Good luck.

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