As it says on the tin boys... Can get these helpers easily on ny quest for 10% Been saving for diet, clen & ECA & im ready to order this weekend! Is there any point? As all im reading is guys taking Clen for finishing off, Diet brief: 2000kcal 220g protein 100-200g carbs (brown rice, oats & sweet potatoe) Cardio 45-60mins 4week Stats 6ft2 18st
Would Clen & ECA help with 30%BF? Yes, if you stick to that sort of calorie deficit. But personally I'd go lower carb, higher protein.
Would Clen & ECA help with 30%BF? Carbs will be meals 1& 2 maybe 3 all before 2pm mate. How low would yin recommend?
Would Clen & ECA help with 30%BF? You would be cycling the clen then the ECA right and not the 2 together ?
Would Clen & ECA help with 30%BF? btw higher up both both protein and carbs, think 2000kcal is to low for your weight
Would Clen & ECA help with 30%BF? Would like to try this, will keep an eye on this thread. Even more so with summer around the corner, need to lose these handles
Would Clen & ECA help with 30%BF? Lost 12lb on 16-1800kcal on keto in 12 days but I felt like i was slowing my metabolism down, and cravings were murder, missed my fruit mainly.