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  • Wonders of yoga exercise

    Discussion in 'Fat Loss' started by Sonjiska, Dec 31, 2015.

    1. Sonjiska

      Sonjiska Member

      Dec 2015
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      Since I am a girl I never wanted to create major muscles on my body, just to shred some extra weight that was cooped up all over me. I went online and found some very interesting yoga classes available and I did some and immediately i loved it. I can say yoga is very relaxing, and you don't have to get all deep and heavy with your.thoughts, just keep it simple and lovely. The best thing is that yoga doesn't create huge muscles at all!
      PS. It doesn't cost a thing!
      Last edited: Dec 31, 2015
    2. OursIsTheFury

      OursIsTheFury Active Member

      May 2016
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      I've been considering doing Yoga too, more of a cooldown after training and during off days. I have heard it can really loosen up your muscles and tense body parts, and it would really relax your mind, so I am really interested in it. But it doesn't cost a thing? I don't know where you're from, but here it's really expensive, and you have to pay per session. I want to find a cheap one, but they are all the same prices for some reason. That's why I have only been considering it, and not fully devoted to it. I'm still thinking of other alternatives to yoga, but if I couldn't find one, I'd take it.
    3. maxen57

      maxen57 Member

      May 2016
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      I'm also thinking of incorporating yoga exercises with the weight training I'm planning on doing. Yoga, I think is something you can do daily that will also fit your schedule and you won't have to go out. I have no membership anywhere so I'm probably just going to watch YouTube videos and look for workouts that I can do as a beginner. Yoga will definitely help with lessening the stress that comes with lifting weights.
    4. amelia88

      amelia88 Member

      May 2016
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      I actually just did a yoga/pilates class at my gym this evening, it's really good because it's high intensity and gets your heart rate up, but also gives you the stretching and peacefulness that comes with yoga. I found that my muscles were really tight after my bootcamp workout last night, so this was a nice way to stretch out whilst still getting my blood pumping.
    5. Norjak71

      Norjak71 Member

      May 2016
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      Yoga is a terrific way to burn belly fat as well as be extremely flexible too. I don't use it really to burn fat; however, I play a lot of sports and it's the perfect way to regain flexibility especially as you get older. Athletes in professional sports do it all the time. You don't necessarily need classes either. Plenty of Youtube videos and other online video-sharing sites will more than fit the bill then you can branch out and make your own exercises out of it.
    6. vegito12

      vegito12 Member

      Feb 2015
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      I have done some yoga classes and it is amazing as it is more of the inner body that gets exercise and you learn to stretch the muscles that usually don't get the exercise and you can relax as well and listening to music is nice, and you can enjoy the time you do yoga if you have other people with you. I feel energerzied and have more energy which can make me do more in the day and also enjoy the time I do my workouts and also good to make do some walking on the roads and know that the body feels more alert and not lazy when doing exercises which is good for the health and inner body. I hope to do more yoga in the weekend and do it for around half an hour which can make me more active and good to have a good meal before doing it so you don't get hungry in the process otherwise you will just focus on food and not on the exercise and may not do the workout properly.
    7. Isabella Grace

      Isabella Grace New Member

      Nov 2021
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      I just finished a yoga/pilates session at my gym this evening, which is great since it's high-intensity and gets your heart rate up while still providing the stretching and serenity that yoga provides. After my boot camp session last night, my muscles were quite tight, so this was a great way to stretch while still getting my blood pumping.
      Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2022
    8. Isabella Grace

      Isabella Grace New Member

      Nov 2021
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      Yoga is a great way to reduce abdominal fat while also improving flexibility. I don't use yoga to lose weight; however, I participate in a lot of sports, and it's a great method to recover flexibility, especially as you age. Professional athletes do it all of the time. You don't have to take lessons either. There are plenty of Youtube videos and other online video-sharing sites that will more than suffice, and you can then expand out and create your own routines. Here are some yoga studio business plans.
      Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2022
    9. admin

      admin Administrator

      Dec 2012
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      Hi @Isabella Grace

      While we appreciate your contribution to the forum, please refrain from spamming links to your website.
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