Hi just wanted some opininions from the more experienced bodybuilders please So I'm naturally stocky legged Training away and lovin it 4 times a week with fabulous personal trainer Diet brill now Now another personal trainer has chipped in by saying to my brother that our family are naturally stocky legged and he just hopes my legs aren't being worked too much as they'll get chunkier & I'll look bigger not slimmer. I still have fat to lose working on another 17 pounds So whats the opinions of those who are experienced and know about these things? Would love to hear from those who have experience of it - not just general opinions Thank you !!
Women's legs & training... what do you think? Not being pervy at all loveleelady, but it will be easier to say/judge with a pic of your legs
Women's legs & training... what do you think? I was told this too a while back, however I train my legs hard, and for a while they did get bigger, muscle still with fat on top? but as I sorted my diet and trained in a better/smarter way the fat started to go and my legs leaned out, and are just solid muscle now with some fat at the top, ya know, thighs and stuff, sigh, lol. I have been told my legs are in good shape now, although I know I cannot change the basic shape that I was born with of course. Sorry for general opinion, you did say you didn't want them but I wanted to comment as I had heard that phrase myself and know it's not entirely true through my own experience. All I can say is thank god I found a love of the weights cos it has made my bod change in a big way and I like it. Good luck anyway, and keep plugging. Worked for me.
Women's legs & training... what do you think? Im being serious... there are plenty of legs in Dais random images thread if I want to perv..
Women's legs & training... what do you think? Morning loveleelady! As you know I've got chunky legs too. I hate them. I don't work my calves at all as they are mahooosive but train the rest. It's up to you whether to train them or not, depending on if you like that defined muscular look or if you'd rather they be as slim and straight as possible. You might decide to lose a few more pounds, as it will likely move mainly from your legs if you have fat to spare. Having chunkier legs, you probably have quite a good muscular foundation already plus you run So they'll firm up nicely. I do like to Have some strength in my legs but they are closely monitored so as not to be too muscular.
Women's legs & training... what do you think? Of course train your legs what's he piping up for if your happy with your results so far.