My bike got nicked last night Left outside my house with its Oxford chain last night, he went bed after 12 and said it was still there, I got home before 1 to find nothing but bits of what I assume is the steering lock Anyway, I'm TPFT.. On my insurance I listed a Xena disc lock alarm, which I do have but was not on at the time it got stolen, the police know this when I reported it, where do I stand on making a claim? Also it's listed at garaged overnight I only went out for a few hours, if that matters Help
Will my insurance pay out?? need help quick I don't think they will fella. Insurance companies always try and find something to get out od paying and they could turn around and say "we insured you,for that quote as long as you had the disc alarm or whatever it is on"
Will my insurance pay out?? need help quick If u listed on ur insurance that u have the disc alarm and it wasn't on I think the insurance is void mate... Not 100% but I think it is!
Will my insurance pay out?? need help quick You've probably dipped out... unless you change your statement to say your dad has mentioned he put the lock on before he went to bed for you or something, dont know if that can be done and is obviously illegal such a shame mate, cant have anything nice
Will my insurance pay out?? need help quick No mate, insurance companies will look for any reason not to pay and youv'e just given them one, sorry. I'm in the process of making a claim on my contents insurance and some of the sh1t they ask is unreal, it has me worried!
Will my insurance pay out?? need help quick IT's been nicked, how will they ever know? Unless it turns up.. Even then, they don't look into it all that much depending on the company unless they have anything to suspect.. I'd be willing to bet they'd paid out no problem.
Will my insurance pay out?? need help quick Garaging - If it is a condition of your policy that the motorcycle is garaged whilst kept at the home address then this condition will be shown on the insurance schedule. Failure to comply with such a condition could result in your motorcycle not being insured against theft. ****
Will my insurance pay out?? need help quick They'll know because of the statement he gave the police that he didn't have it on. Plus it wasn't in the garage