I am currently going through what people call recomping. I am about 3 months in now and have gained around 4-5kg body weight on average. I have been cutting fat slightly(est from 30% to 27-28%) and increasing muscle at the same time (gains in weight and mirror doesnt lie lol). My initial goal was to cut weight. But even when eating on a defecit i kept my protien intake very high and lift 3-4times a week and do 2 hours of martial arts per week and as a result have deffo put on muscle. I am still carrying excess body fat but it has gotten a little less. Lifts have gone up by almost 70%. Bicep and HC's started at 7kg and are now 22.5kg. Squats started at 15-20 and are now at 40 and sometimes 50kg depending on cycles. During this time I was on a deficit yet strength shot up. I am supping with whey, casien and creatine. Currently 195lbs or 88.8kg at 5foot 7. I estimate to be roughly on a 300ish-600 cal deficit per day. I have cleaned up my eating also. So to target fat specifically should I cut more cals, or simply keep doing as I am and wait for the results to appear. My build and fat spread is liniear and have a rugby sorta build (best way of describing it). Any help or pointers appreciated. Pics below are un flexed and I am liquid and food heavy in them.
Where do I go from here guys.....need your advice (pics) You're not in a deficit if you've gained weight. It's not possile. Eat less.
Where do I go from here guys.....need your advice (pics) Watch your macros, don't guess them. Get a strict diet with a 500 cal deficit, and watch the fat go away.
Where do I go from here guys.....need your advice (pics) Is it possible to gain muscle and lose fat at maintenance or slight deficit. Should I continue to bulk or begin a cut from here. Ill get a pic up give me 10mins
Where do I go from here guys.....need your advice (pics) If you're high 20s% bf cut or at minimum recomp. More than likely your lifts will still increase at a 500 kcal deficit as you are probably far from your genetic potential.
Where do I go from here guys.....need your advice (pics) Thanks for the informtion guys. I have tried uploading images but the site wont allow me until I have 50 posts....wtf. By the way i just took pics there and i am kinda mad looking at em. The mirror looks a little better than the camera will i guess lol. Is there any way I can upload pics or do i need the 50 posts
Where do I go from here guys.....need your advice (pics) Managed to add pics to the original post. Opinions welcome. And guys, thanks again!