Say the folliwing is true, which I hihgly suspect it is. Person A takes advicce from person B of an internet forum "take such and such for so and so length" Person A gets fvcked up bad effects. we don't hear about it. Why? PBecause person A is to afraid of looking like a tw@t to everyone on the forum for getting such negative and potentially serious side effects with certain substances that everyone elce seems to be fine with and is taking like sweets. So a not of caution. If the substance you are using can kill you and will do if certain procedures and doses aren't follwed. Then Use your fvcking brain to think about what you are about to type to a newbie PED user that could potentially experience severe or potentially fatal advice from your general bro sciencey (or even actual sciency) posts. Pishing me off majorly. People die from insulin, DNP, liver tumours from orals yearly. This is medical fact. Think.
When gear goes wrong. Good post mate but will fall on deaf ears. I've run out of energy warning people of the dangers of clen, and now DNP is the new craze it's even more dangerous.
When gear goes wrong. Oral aas look up benign liver adenomas from oral steroids. It happened to me 4L loss of blood, nearly died, blagh blagh so on so on..
When gear goes wrong. couldnt agree more idiots using dnp and the likes just to lose abit of fat get a grip, just sort your diet out stick to it and do some cardio what sort of weak minded person must you be to start taking a life theatening drug just in the hopes of losing a few pounds which billions of people world wide do naturally get some will power people
When gear goes wrong. I agree completely with this thread but I would still say clen is more dangerous than DNP if we are talking about regular doses.
When gear goes wrong. this scares me(not DNP but the casual use) i do not use clen any more i choose to use formoterol or albutemol .......i have also run out of energy in explaining thisngs to be only met with "yea but so and so uses it"