i guess this is the appropriate section, and seeing as all the others are dead. yeah basically whats the most amount of fat weight youve lost in a short space of time. i was gonna aim to do 15kg in 45days with gear. anyone reckon this is possible? im like 100kg 30%bf atm thanks
whats the most weight youve lost I lost about 5stone in 5/6 months. In a shorter period of time, using DNP, Clen and T3 I dropped a stone in 2 weeks.
whats the most weight youve lost Last year dropped about 9-10% bf in 7-8 weeks on test/tren cant remember exact weight loss but prob 20lb or so
whats the most weight youve lost That's a fair amount of weight to lose, basically 0.3kgs a day or 2.3kgs/week. You going to have to get into competitor frame of mind and go mental on cardio and clean clean diet?
whats the most weight youve lost Bloody hell!!! a stone in two weeks?? That's crazy (I need that lol but I'm too chicken with drugs)
whats the most weight youve lost 5 stone in 6 months, being 20stone fat, to 15 stone skinny, partying everyday on pills, not proud tbh. worked though