As says guys, I figured rather than me posting 1000's of is this good, is this good... I'll post my Situation and Stats / Diet plan, and you guys offer your experience and advice for what gear you would use to help achieve the best results. When in doubt, seek help from the best right? Stats: 5"11 21 YOA 209lbs 13% BF 5 cycles under the belt. (Deca, Test, Tren, Dbol, Anadrol, EQ) Dietary Plan: 8:00am - 12 egg whites, 1 apple, 1 Protein shake 10:00am - 100g rice, 1 apple, 1 Protein Shake 1pm - 300g Red Meat, Salad (Lettuce, Cucumber, tomato) Protein shake with 10g Flax Seed Oil 3pm - 100g Bread, 1 Apple, 1 Protein Shake 5pm - Tuna / White Fish, 1 Protein Shake 7pm - 100g Malodextrin, 1 Apple 9pm - Chicken, Turkey, Fish with Salad and a 1 Protein Shake **Protein shake is 3(30g Scoops) Total per Shake: 72g Protein, 1.2g Carbs, 0.9g Fat, Added BCAA's, 15g Glutmaine and 15g Creatine. Training is at 5:30-6:30pm. Split - Bi/Tri, Shoulders, Legs, Back, Chest. I'm looking to drop my BF and possibly Lean Bulk. Priority is Lean Bulk, any fatloss is a bonus. *I'M NOT GIVING PRICES FOR AAS, BUT A GUIDELINE AS TO ROUGHLY HELP PEOPLE WORK OUT HOW MUCH GEAR I CAN AFFORD. Looking to spend around £300-£400, No more, 12 week cycle. What AAS would you reccomend be best to help assist me through this process? Any advice, friendly / helpful critiscm is always welcome. Appreciate you guys taking the time to read this. Massive thanks. EDIT* I start my Cycle end of August. EDIT** - Taking advice, adding 3 scoops per Shake rather than one, Editing list.
What would you do ... My Situation, Your Advice. Test and Tren E Would add in more food mate rather than shakes
What would you do ... My Situation, Your Advice. still not enough protein, double up on the scoops, also y maltodextrin (sugar) at 7pm? with an apple? If post workout, y no protein?
What would you do ... My Situation, Your Advice. I can see you've looked at Big A's dieting and getting ready for comp...but as above...the protein id have 2.5-3scoops each one.
What would you do ... My Situation, Your Advice. Plus £400 on 12weeks..paying wayy to much. Could run 1g test, 500mg tren for like 200max.
What would you do ... My Situation, Your Advice. Wondered how long before somebody would catch on, I'll take that advice and edit it into the list now. Will add 3 scoops rather than one. Cheers. Any advice on Gear lads? Test and Tren E is a maybe. Would quite like to look into short esters if I'm honest.
What would you do ... My Situation, Your Advice. i dont think id bother while bulking dude, save short ester **** for actual comp prep, one rip , acetate etc, no need to make a pin cushion of yourself just yet good luck man
What would you do ... My Situation, Your Advice. Big A is advising 4-500g protein adjust till you hit it. AAS he says. 1g test plus an anabolic. T3 to help increase protein turnover.
What would you do ... My Situation, Your Advice. Fair one actually. I always use T3 through cycles tbh, anti catabolic, helps lean me up and as you said increase protein turnover. Trying to stick to the pharma stuff though for T3. I'll most certainly always use Test as a base rule of thumb. However, long or short esters. I don't mind pinning at all. In addition to that, I do love Tren, but find that over anything, It hardens me up, helps define me and shoots strength right up. Doesn't really ever help me bulk or gain as such. I was considering a Test/Tren/Mast and Winny combo. But still waiting for some more opinons. Maybe it's overkill I don't know.