I'm trying to cut, but I usually get hungry at about 9:00 pm. In fact, my stomach even starts to growl. I usually end up having a low carb snack like almonds or cheese or something. But I feel it's sabotaging my cut. At the same time, I feel if I don't eat something, I'm going to end up burning lean muscle. Any advice? Should I go ahead and have a snack to spare muscle loss? Or would muscle loss be minimal if I just go to sleep and wait for breakfast? Actually, I have enough will power to not have the snack. But I'm afraid to not eat... What should I do?
What if my stomachs growling? What's your height/weight/approx BF% and what are your calories/macros like? I generally recommend a healthy serving of tip #9 on this list: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat...on-a-diet.html
What if my stomachs growling? I'm about 5'11. About 209 lbs. body fat approx 20 to 25%. I have some muscle mass but some fat covering it up.
What if my stomachs growling? Almonds are pretty high-calorie, just so you're aware. Not really a great snack imo unless you have budgeted them into your calories for the day.
What if my stomachs growling? I can deal/live with the hunger. I'm just worried that i will lose muscle...
What if my stomachs growling? Yeah, the same thing happens to me, but sometimes i don't eat anything and i end up burning lean body mass. I'm trying to lose weight, again. 6 months ago i was 148, today, I'm 198 or so, really bad. So, I'm losing weight and doing low-intensity workouts like walking or jogging for 20-30 min. Earlier, i felt really hungry and my buddies came over and got me a Hot dog from AM-PM. After they left i didn't want to throw it out so i ate it, and i have to say I'm really disappointed, but I'm still under my calorie limits for the day. I must be at 1100-1200 calories or less for today including the hot dog. Do you guys think eating that hot dog sabotaged my weight loss? I ran in the morning.