Hey guys just to see what everyone is running atm or thinking of running its just for fun and let people now what your doing and so on dont be shy
What cycles are you guys doing or going to do?? Im going to be doing test e at 500mgs per week for 12 weeks, eq at 300 mgs per week for 10 weeks and dbol at 30-40 mgs a week for 4 weeks and might be running clen through out and will be eating clean. This is a future cycle what about you guys??
What cycles are you guys doing or going to do?? Tren e or ace?? if i ever do tren prob be Tren e i like longer esters ha
What cycles are you guys doing or going to do?? CELLTECH HARDCORE, gonna do a four week blast of two scoops per day, don't wanna go longer than four weeks as your liver can't take stuff this powerful for much longer, and I don't wanna get too big ya know?
What cycles are you guys doing or going to do?? Test + npp for 8 weeks ish.. cruise for a bit then Test tren mast.. maybe oral too coming into summer
What cycles are you guys doing or going to do?? Test tren mast 10-12 weeks maybe tbol or oxy only ever used dbol an be running an ai for first time unsure which one to go for
What cycles are you guys doing or going to do?? A lot of test and tren got 3 weeks of the 6 week blast left then 6 week cruise and another blast probably the same test and tren!