I not done a course in 2 years but im ready to do one now , I have sustanon 250 but im still not sure what to run with it was thinking some trenbolone acetate but still unsure , what else could i run with sustanon to put some quality size on? . I been training many years done a few cycles in the past bu tnothing for over two years just been training naturally any ideas what will stack well with sustanon and if i did do the trenbelone would this add size ? thanks in advance
what can i run with sustanon 250 ? Have you still not decided!! FFs Vin! Use some Deca mate, 500mg EW with your Sust at 750-1g
what can i run with sustanon 250 ? lol not decided what would the difference be in running deca instead of tren acetate ? thanks bud
what can i run with sustanon 250 ? deca seems to be more of a bulker than tren plus the obvious injection intervals between tren ace & deca unless of course you used npp
what can i run with sustanon 250 ? deca is far more anabolic and is well known for protein/tissue synthesis. Tren is more androgenic, and as it doesn't aromatise its better when dieting. not that one is better or worse, just tools for a job. That being said, I spent 8 months on 2g/test 1g eq and 600mg tren e, and then moved to 3.2g test adn 400mg mast for a month, and now 4g test week... and last 3 months on 3.6g straight test (last week on 4g which i will carry forward forward for the nexgt 3months) I've had my best ever results... am 42 to soon too.
what can i run with sustanon 250 ? Ah Vin man....Tren will cut you up and harden the muscles and increase your strength and possibly yer temper....Deca will increase your size and secondarily your strength but can cause a bit of moodiness or mild depression (depending on person). You could run deca for 8-10 wks and tren for 4 weeks at the finish to tighten up the increased size (some of which may be water) with the deca.
what can i run with sustanon 250 ? Ahh vin your a star! How do you ever decide which pants to put on in the morning
what can i run with sustanon 250 ? Im just in two minds about the tren . Would i still get water with a very clean diet ? I do want to put a bit of size but not water ? What if i just run the sustanon would that not yield any gains or do i really need to stack it with something ?
what can i run with sustanon 250 ? sust alone would give nice gains, even better with tren & better still with deca